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CONTENT: This e-mail message contains confidential information between the sender and the recipient/recipients and may contain directly and/or in the attachments personal and sensitive data that must be protected and warded;

REFERENCE RULES: Directive 2002/58/EC, known as “E-Privacy” for its Confidential Contents and EU for personal and sensitive data Regulation 679/2016 known as “GDPR”;

RECIPIENT OF THE COMMUNICATION: The message is intended only for those who are mentioned in the text in boxes A, CC, CCN. If the message have reached by mistake persons, which the subject and contents of the message are not referring, they are required to report immediately to the sender and destroy what received (including attached files) without making any copy;

PROHIBITIONS: The use, dissemination, distribution or reproduction to third parties not mentioned in the email is prohibited unless these are involved or can be involved in the work processes related to this communication. Any unauthorized use of the content of this message constitutes a violation of private correspondence between other subjects and exposes the accountable to the relative consequences as provided by Sec. 616 of the Italian Criminal Code;

RIGHTS OF THE INTERESTED PARTY: With regard to personal data and sensitive data (Particular categories of data as in Sec. 9 of the GDPR) contained directly and/or in the attachments of this communication, reference is made to the exercise of their rights under Sec. from 15 to 22 included of the GDPR, available in full form at the multilingual link https://eurlex.europa.eu/eli/reg/2016/679/oj

EXTENDED POLICY PRIVACY: Privacy policy of our company is available at [email protected]